Sunday, September 26, 2010

Words Matter

Sometimes, all we really have are the words we choose to share that are supposed to convey our thoughts, feeling, emotions, fears, joys, sorrows and wisdom to selected, and surprise, audiences. Those are a gift when shared.

Dion (my eldest son...I do not talk about myself in Bob Dole style), went without sleep as his wife worked without sleep in the labors bring to the world the life they created in their daughter Lillian. As we chatted--he exhausted and his eyelids at half mast at best--he agreed that his getting sleep after a long day at the hospital would serve him and his mom-wife quite well. He smiled a depleted smile and said, "I will probably need to write some first."

He is an excellent writer, with the courage to share his ideas and his thoughts AND his feelings. I may be a bit biased, but he shares his words with nuance, skill and pride. That he would know in his heart that writing about today's delivery mattered to him, his family and perhaps some audiences indicates his understanding that words matter. His do, yours do...words matter.

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