Friday, April 20, 2007

Leadership's Mandate

My oldest son and I were talking about the role of leaders and leadership in organizations. Our viewpoints differed, but the end result was the same.

I believe that ineffective, visionless, cowardly leaders who won't make decisions and fritter away the talent of the those in his or her charge through action or inaction, are behaving in a way that borders on sinful. The amazing potential of human beings with God-given abilities provides a resource that is entrusted to leaders, and cannot be neglected. The lack of accountability to fulfilling that potential for the good of the organization is inexcusable, I say.

My son believes that leaders/managers can be total jerks if they want to if the organization meets its goals. He believes it is a shame to waste human talent, but it is the perogative of the boss to do so. The caveat, for him, is that the boss needs to be honest about it up front: "I am going to work your butts off and all that should matter to you should be this company," or such. "But," he continued, "the boss has to be clear about that on the front end, even during the interview." Bingo.

The deception played by leaders/managers who talk about excellence, employee value, employee development, community-ness, partnership, collaboration and achievement is devastating when the truth of actions and inactions cut talent and inspiration off at the knees.

Honesty in leadership. On all levels. No smoke, no mirrors, no BS, no gamesmanship: put the cards on the table and go. Where is it?

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